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Huffington Post: Me vs. Fibromyalgia – featuring Dr. Christo
Dr. Christo was featured in the Me vs. Fibromyalgia Chronic Spotlight Series with Puja Rios where he shares his passion for pain management and tips for new technologies. Part I is available now on Huffington Post. To wrap up 2017’s Chronic Spotlight Series, we’ll...
Debbie Gibson Reveals How ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Will Help Her Recover From Lyme Disease
*Article originally published on The Mighty. Having chronic health issues can leave you feeling down about your body and, for many people, like your life is on “pause” while you fight your illness. Debbie Gibson is hoping “Dancing With the Stars” will help her get...
Pain Awareness Month: The “Give a Squat 4 Pain” Campaign
September is Pain Awareness Month, and with a new campaign, the American Chronic Pain Association wants people to "Give a Squat 4 Pain". To participate, ACPA is asking people to squat against a wall (or any vertical surface), holding the position for as long as...
PAINWeek 2017
Dr. Christo Holds Successful Book Signing and Keynote Speech for PAINWeek Dr. Christo was a keynote speaker at PAINWeek in Las Vegas last week where he spoke on his expertise about interventional pain management options including injections, nerve blocks, pain...
Olivia Newton-John: Back Pain Revealed as Breast Cancer Relapse
Cancer Returns After 20 years of being in remission from breast cancer, Olivia Newton-John was diagnosed with a relapse. Though she initially just thought it was back pain, she wrote in a statement on Facebook that she soon learned her cancer had returned and...
Dr. Christo Contributes to Thrive Global
Overcoming Pain Advice from an expert. Originally published on Thrive Global. Chronic pain affects 116 million U.S. adults, and 40% of people living in developing countries. It doesn’t spare the more vulnerable members of society either. For instance, 20% of all...
August 16, 2017: The 40th Anniversary of Elvis Presley’s Death
Elvis Presley remains the most iconic American musician of all time, even 40 years after his death in 1977. His albums still earn millions of dollars each year, and most artists in the industry today, across many genres attribute their musical inspiration to Elvis....
Babies at Risk
Healthy, full-term newborns typically receive a heel lance at birth to screen for genetic disorders and immunizations. Sick babies need blood draws more often, though and these interventions are painful. For example, almost all ill and preterm infants have to...
Women and Pain Part II
Do women experience more pain than men? Is pain more severe in women? Or, are women just overly emotional about their pain? Jennifer Bolen, an attorney and founder of The Legal Side of Pain shares how her own struggle with pain has given her firsthand...
Women and Pain, Part I
Do women experience more pain than men? Is pain more severe in women? Or, are women just overly emotional about their pain? Jennifer Bolen, an attorney and founder of The Legal Side of Pain shares how her own struggle with pain has given her firsthand...
How JFK’s Back Pain May Have Led to His Death
A resurgence of John F. Kennedy’s pain struggles are in the news after a newly released publication in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. We learned on our JFK show from noted historian Robert Dallek, that Kennedy struggled with substantial low back pain, but he...
[FREE DOWNLOAD] The Medical Link Between Your Stress and Pain
Stress can trigger pain and make existing pain worse. Both reducing stress and improving how we deal with it are vital to healing and pain prevention. We've heard from Dr. Kathleen Hall, international stress expert and Founder of The Stress Institute, who has...