Back and Neck, Chronic Back Pain, Diet & Exercise
Are you suffering from lower back pain? About 80% of Americans are at some point during their lives. Stretching on a regular basis can improve mobility, lengthen back muscles and reduce chronic pain. Here are some stretches to get you moving....
Alternative Medicine, Blog, Diet & Exercise
Aches and Gains radio guest Dima, a vice president in financial services, suffered a serious motorcycle accident and Jiu jitzu injury, which left him with a herniated disc and severe pain. Always athletic, active and outgoing, Dima’s chronic pain forced him to step...
Alternative Medicine, Arthritis, Blog, Chronic Back Pain, Diet & Exercise, Fibromyalgia, Neck Pain
More than 100 million Americans suffer from pain, according to the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies. Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. According a 2009 U.S. Health and Human Services Report, women are more...
Blog, Diet & Exercise, Heart Attack
Throughout February, Aches and Gains has celebrated American Heart Month. The chronic pain associated with heart disease, commonly resulting from obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, can be devastating for those living with these cardiovascular conditions and...