Alternative Medicine, Celebrity Stories, Diet & Exercise, Radio Shows
Chefs spend their lives standing up, walking quickly, chopping, twisting, bending, and lifting heavy pots and pans. Executive Chef Mark Peel was the owner of the award-winning Los Angeles restaurant called Campanile. His work in the kitchen led to carpal tunnel...
Alternative Medicine, Celebrity Stories, Diet & Exercise, Radio Shows
Chefs spend their lives standing up, walking quickly, chopping, twisting, bending, and lifting heavy pots and pans. Executive Chef Mark Peel was the owner of the award-winning Los Angeles restaurant called, Campanile. His work in the kitchen led to carpal tunnel...
Emotional Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
The very word “Torture” conveys the stark reality of pain – pain inflicted intentionally upon another human being. We’ll hear the harrowing experiences of author Marina Nemat who endured painful foot lashings, a broken wrist, and narrowly escaped a death sentence...
Medical Innovations, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Prolotherapy helps stimulate the healing of chronically injured ligaments and tendons. It reduces pain and may even regenerate new tissue. Dr. Jeffrey Patterson (in memoriam) at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine is one of the country’s leading experts on...
Alternative Medicine, Celebrity Stories, Radio Shows
Listening to music helps control pain in medical settings like the ICU, and in chronic conditions like low back pain, fibromyalgia, and cancer. Our first guest, Tim Janis, is a renowned composer, producer, and performer. We’ll talk to Tim about the inspiration for his...