Medical Innovations, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Stem cells have the ability of self-renewal. They can be used to replace cells that have been lost or destroyed, or to change the behavior of other cells. Using stem cells can offer solutions for treating painful conditions such as bone and cartilage defects,...
Blog, Emotional Pain, In the News, Top Pain Reliefs
Early signs of ALS may include pain-related symptoms, such as muscle cramps. Many people may have been under-informed about ALS before summer 2014’s ALS ice bucket challenge took over social media and the release of The Theory of Everything, an Oscar-nominated film...
Blog, Emotional Pain, In the News, Top Pain Reliefs
Migraine sufferers are more likely to have depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, other pain conditions and fatigue. There are numerous types of headaches, with pain levels and treatment varying depending on the classification. Perhaps the type of headache most...
Blog, Caregiving, Celebrity Stories
Dr. Maya Angelou was featured on Aches and Gains shortly before her passing. After a traumatic event, Dr. Maya Angelou spent nearly six years of her youth as a mute in which she suffered great emotional pain. Despite her era of silence, she went on to become a voice...
Alternative Medicine, Emotional Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows
How often have you said to yourself, “This pain will never go away, or life as I knew it, is over”? These thoughts are common for those living with pain. What you may be surprised to know is that these persistent negative beliefs and images can both maintain and...