Caregiving, Chronic Back Pain, Nerve Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows
ChronicBabe is an online support group for younger women who want to move beyond their pain to live full lives. It’s a supportive community that listens, teaches acceptance, and offers coping strategies. On today’s show, we’ll discover how ChronicBabe has given its...
Caregiving, Chronic Back Pain, Nerve Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows
ChronicBabe is an online support group for younger women who want to move beyond their pain to live full lives. It’s a supportive community that listens, teaches acceptance, and offers coping strategies. On today’s show, we’ll find out how the founder, Jenni Prokopy...
In the News, Medical Innovations, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
If you have pain and need surgery, you’ll want to hear about this new anesthetic technique called “ComfortSafe.” It’s used for patients who don’t want to or can’t tolerate typical anesthesia with opioids. Using ComfortSafe can also help avoid the side effects of...
Celebrity Stories, In the News, Neck Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Since the term, “Text Neck” was coined in 2008, we’ve been seeing more patients with neck pain and headaches. “Text Neck” or now “Tech Neck” is felt to be a repetitive strain injury from constantly looking down to type or read text messages, answer emails or checking...
Celebrity Stories, In the News, Neck Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Since the term, “Text Neck” was coined in 2008, we’ve been seeing more patients with neck pain and headaches. “Text Neck” or now “Tech Neck” is felt to be a repetitive strain injury from constantly looking down to type or read text messages, answer emails or checking...
Men's Health, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Did you know that the average man only lives to age 76? Most guys aren’t healthy at that age either, and wish they had taken better care of themselves. Men often hold back from complaining about pain as well, and many would rather suffer in silence. We’re joined today...