Back and Neck, Blog, Chronic Back Pain, Diet & Exercise, In the News, Neck Pain, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
Our bodies were meant to be in an active state the majority of the time. As humans have evolved, we have found easier ways to complete everyday tasks using technology. Although these advancements have created easier and more efficient ways of doing things, they also...
Alternative Medicine, Blog, Neck Pain, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
Severe throbbing pain on one side of the head is categorized as migraine, and this pain could be so intense that one’s daily life routine can entirely change. The migraine attacks are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. However, some other symptoms of...
Alternative Medicine, Back and Neck, Blog, Chronic Back Pain, In the News, Neck Pain, Sports Injuries, Top Pain Reliefs
Can this massage gun can help ease sore muscles and speed up recovery? Theragun is a percussive therapy device, which claims to treat muscle soreness and speed up muscle recovery time. Instead of having a human massager to manually manipulate one’s soft tissue, the...
Blog, In the News, Neck Pain, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
More of us are developing neck pain from smartphones and other handheld devices. More than likely, you are bending your head forward in a slouched position looking at those screens for long periods of time between working on your computer and using your smartphone. In...
Alternative Medicine, Blog, In the News, Media, Neck Pain, Radio
Dr. Christo was a guest on YOU The Owner’s Manual Radio Show with Dr. Michael Roizen, MD Tune in to hear his recommended solutions to common issues such as migraines, knee pain and pelvic pain… it’s not just physical therapy! Find out how...
Alternative Medicine, Back and Neck, Chronic Back Pain, Emotional Pain, Neck Pain, Pain Procedures, Top Pain Reliefs
Stress can trigger pain and make existing pain worse. Both reducing stress and improving how we deal with it are vital to healing and pain prevention. We’ve heard from Dr. Kathleen Hall, international stress expert and Founder of The Stress Institute, who has...