Medications, Opioid Addiction, Radio Shows
The war on opioids began around 2010 when the Centers for Disease Control announced there were over 16,000 opioid-related deaths. That’s a big number – but not all of those deaths involved opioids alone. Our first guest, Angelika, suffers from a painful joint...
Blog, Caregiving, In the News
Children are especially vulnerable to chronic pain. Pain has become a pressing humanitarian cause and touches all of us at some point during our lives. Recent estimates are that 100 million people suffer from uncontrolled pain in our country alone, but the pain...
Medications, Opioid Addiction, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
The war on opioids began around 2010 when the Centers for Disease Control announced there were over 16,000 opioid-related deaths. That’s a big number – but not all of those deaths involved opioids alone. Our first guest, Angelika, suffers from a painful joint...
Alternative Medicine, Blog, Emotional Pain, In the News
One-third of the U.S. adult population suffers from chronic pain. Since establishing September as Pain Awareness Month in 2001, the American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA) has continued to keep pain and pain management issues in the public eye through Partners for...