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Pain Expert Dr. Christo Talks to Men’s Health about a New Epidemic
What's killing middle-aged white men? Click here to read...
Becoming Patch Adams: Laughter Curing Pain is No Joke
We’ve all heard that laughter is the best medicine, but what about when it comes to relieving pain? It is really possible that just a little laughter can actually ease physical pain? While the idea behind laughter as a pain medication is nothing new to speculative...
Pharmacogenetics & Personalized Medicine, Part II
Have you ever wondered why that pill you’re taking for pain isn’t really helping, or why it’s causing side effects? Well, the “one size fits all” strategy for medicines is yielding to genetic profiling that predicts disease risk and drug response in a way that...
When Love Hurts: How Breakups Affect Us Physically
Love hurts. It’s a phrase we’ve all heard in love songs, media, and in discussions after a heartbreak. But what does heartbreak really doing to your body? Loss can affect our bodies in many ways. We reveal the real effects of heartbreak in the form of stress, sleep...
Pharmacogenetics & Personalized Medicine, Part I
Have you ever wondered why that pill you’re taking for pain isn’t really helping, or why it’s causing side effects? Well, the “one size fits all” strategy for medicines is yielding to genetic profiling that predicts disease risk and drug response in a way that...
Tell Me Something I Don’t Know: When You’ve Tried it All
There will come a day when you feel like you have tried everything for the pain, and it just doesn’t go away. Some of you may already be at this point, but I have some good news for you. On my radio show, Aches and Gains, I discuss many unique therapeutic...
But Wait! There’s More! Making Life More Than Chronic Pain
Pain is exceptionally unique. It can take over your life physically and emotionally, practically paralyzing you and preventing you from living your life the way you saw yourself living it. Managing pain is half of the battle, but being able to get ahead of pain and...
Rectal Cancer: The Tommy Chong Story, Part II
On today’s show, we’ll highlight what you need to know about rectal cancer, and the painful symptoms that can occur. Our first guest is Tommy Chong, part of the legendary comedy team of Cheech and Chong. Tommy will delve deeper into his battle with rectal cancer...
What Hollywood Gets Wrong About Addiction
When we think about Philip Seymour Hoffman, Kurt Cobain, Cory Monteith, and Marilyn Monroe, we think of tragedy. These artists not only died, they went out with a bang by “living too hard”. Addiction is not what it seems in the movies or on TV. Cheryl Strayed’s...
Rectal Cancer: The Tommy Chong Story, Part I
On today’s show, we’ll highlight what you need to know about rectal cancer, and the painful symptoms that can occur. Our first guest is Tommy Chong, part of the legendary comedy team of Cheech and Chong. Tommy will share his battle with rectal cancer and the...
JUST SAY NO: What NOT to Do When Managing Chronic Pain
There are many days where we want to do something and we know we shouldn’t while living with pain. Looking back at the good ol’ days can be a bad way to live, knowing that you can’t participate in those activities to the level you once did. Bodies change, people...