This story was originally published by A Beautiful Perspective. Read more from ABP’s current TOUCH Issue. We don’t stop at the skin. With the practice of Healing Touch, hospitals are exploring the medicinal power of human contact and converting skeptics into... Stateside: Spotlight – Vaping Now an Epidemic Among U.S. Teens Dr. Paul sits down with Stateside to discuss how vaping can be dangerous when used in underage teenagers,...
September is a month for awareness of both pain and ovarian cancer. Chronic pain is something that many people live with and struggle with daily, and women often experience pain because of gynecological health conditions, including ovarian cancer. These conditions not...
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and as the fifth largest cause of cancer-related deaths in women, it’s important to be informed of the disease. In 2018, an estimated 22,240 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 14,070 will die. The cancer...
Over 25 million adults live with chronic pain in America. The availability and easy access to NSAIDs make them a tempting source of relief, especially when people have to manage pain during a long commute each day. However, NSAIDs simply mask pain, rather than...