Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is so common that it affects up to 66% of the population at some point in life. Conditions like impingement, tendinitis and rotator cuff tears are the most common. Johns Hopkins orthopedist and shoulder expert Dr. Ed McFarland discusses what we need to...
Pain Pumps

Pain Pumps

If all efforts to relieve your pain fail or if the pain of cancer plagues you, an implantable pain pump may be the answer.  This device delivers tiny, controlled doses of pain medicine directly to the spinal cord. We are joined by Ami McCarty, who will describe what a...
Babies in Pain

Babies in Pain

It was commonly thought that the nervous system of newborn babies wasn’t developed enough at birth to experience pain.  Even though medical thinking has changed, it’s frightening to realize that under treating or simply not treating pain in sick babies may lead to a...
Pain Coaching

Pain Coaching

Being in chronic pain is dreadful but being in pain and feeling alone is unbearable.  In many cases, pain can take over our lives, and engulf us in a cloud of hopelessness. Is it possible to restore vitality and optimism?  Both of our guests believe that there is a...