Medications, Neck Pain, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Did you know that pain has reached epidemic proportions? In fact, 100 million people are living with chronic pain in America alone. Our guest is Judy Foreman, author of A Nation In Pain. She’s an award-winning health journalist who overcame her own battle with serious...
Celebrity Stories, Medications, Neck Pain, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
There are several facial pain syndromes, but Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) may be the worst. Sudden, stabbing, electrical sensations radiating from the ear down the face are typical leading some to call this syndrome the “suicide disease” because the pain can be so...
Neck Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Imagine how you would feel if you experienced pain while chewing, swallowing, speaking or even yawing? Or, consider living with such limited jaw movement that you couldn’t insert a spoon or fork into your mouth. Many suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder...