Alternative Medicine, Chronic Headaches, In the News, Neck Pain, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is non-invasive and produces electrical stimulation in the brain. It targets the outer layer of the brain called the cerebral cortex, and may help correct areas inside the brain that have been altered due to chronic pain. TMS is...
Blog, In the News, Neck Pain, Top Pain Reliefs
We live in an increasingly connected world. Smartphones allow us to stay constantly in touch with friends and family, up-to-date on the latest news, constantly checking in on social media, and for some of us, connected to work 24/7. According to the Pew Research...
Alternative Medicine, Chronic Headaches, Fibromyalgia, In the News, Neck Pain, Radio, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is non-invasive and produces electrical stimulation in the brain. It targets the outer layer of the brain called the cerebral cortex, and may help correct areas inside the brain that have been altered due to chronic pain. TMS is...
Celebrity Stories, In the News, Neck Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Since the term, “Text Neck” was coined in 2008, we’ve been seeing more patients with neck pain and headaches. “Text Neck” or now “Tech Neck” is felt to be a repetitive strain injury from constantly looking down to type or read text messages, answer emails or checking...
Celebrity Stories, In the News, Neck Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Since the term, “Text Neck” was coined in 2008, we’ve been seeing more patients with neck pain and headaches. “Text Neck” or now “Tech Neck” is felt to be a repetitive strain injury from constantly looking down to type or read text messages, answer emails or checking...
Blog, Medical Innovations, Neck Pain, Pain Procedures, Top Pain Reliefs
Botox can be a safe, noninvasive alternative to surgery for certain health conditions. Emmy and Tony-award winning actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth admitted to Prevention Magazine back in 2011 that she gets Botox (botulinum toxin) regularly, but not for the reason...