Pot for Pain? 80% of Docs Surveyed by PPM Say Yes

Pot for Pain? 80% of Docs Surveyed by PPM Say Yes

Medical marijuana continues to be a hot topic in pain management and of great interest to readers of Practical Pain Management. In September, PPM featured medical marijuana (MM) on our cover and the main article is currently ranked as the #1 most read article on the...
The Effects of Chronic Pain on Sleep, Focus and Intimacy

Pain, a Mind-Body Problem

The August 2015 issue of Real Simple magazine (August 2015 issue) included an article on chronic pain featuring Dr. Paul Christo. The article, “Pain” by Amy Paturel addressed how to understand (and manage) your body’s most important warning system- and...
Cluster Headaches and Severe Burns

Cluster Headaches and Severe Burns

Dr. Paul Christo discussed painful medical conditions and injuries with Men’s Health for the article, “6 Pains Worse Than Childbirth” by Brian Vanhooker. Dr. Christo said cluster headaches, which tend to affect more men than women, are...
Ask the Expert

Ask the Expert

“Ask the Expert” for live Web Chat Series on Pain Management, Tribune Newspapers (Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Hartford Courant, Baltimore Sun). December...