Blog, Heart Attack, Top Pain Reliefs
Here at Aches and Gains, we have previously discussed heart disease and recognizing the pain symptoms associated with a heart attack, heart failure, or stoke. We’ve examined the implications of the increased risk of heart disease among Baby Boomers. But, men and women...
Blog, Heart Attack, Top Pain Reliefs
Heart disease is the top killer for women and men in the United States, especially for those in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Heart disease is becoming an epidemic that must be addressed not just by medications and frequent screenings, but by lifestyle changes. Among the...
Blog, Chronic Back Pain, Chronic Headaches, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Heart Attack
There are certain types of pain that we can brush off as a one-time thing. Maybe the pain lasts for a few days and it goes away, and it doesn’t occur again. With any symptom of acute pain, chronic pain could develop if it lasts for 3 months or more. Chronic pain is...
Blog, Cancer Pain, Heart Attack
World Heart Day is on September 29th this year, and is the World Heart Federation’s largest platform for raising awareness about cardiovascular disease. As you may know, heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death around the world. Despite its prevalence,...
Diet & Exercise, Heart Attack, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows
You’re feeling some indigestion after a meal, and then a little chest heaviness. It’s probably nothing. Or is it? If you’re a woman, you could be having a heart attack and not even know it. How can we distinguish a heart attack from other chest pain symptoms? Amy...
Diet & Exercise, Heart Attack, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows
You’re feeling some indigestion after a meal, and then a little chest heaviness. It’s probably nothing. Or is it? If you’re a woman, you could be having a heart attack and not even know it. How can we distinguish a heart attack from other types of pain in the chest?...