Alternative Medicine, Back and Neck, Blog, Chronic Back Pain, Diet & Exercise, Emotional Pain, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
There are many unavoidable sources of stress in our fast-paced society today. With pressures from work, relationships, and family, it is almost impossible to steer clear of stress. However, poor stress management is the precursor for many negative health problems like...
Back and Neck, Blog, Chronic Back Pain, Diet & Exercise, In the News, Neck Pain, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
Our bodies were meant to be in an active state the majority of the time. As humans have evolved, we have found easier ways to complete everyday tasks using technology. Although these advancements have created easier and more efficient ways of doing things, they also...
Blog, Diet & Exercise, Joint Pain, Medications, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
Osteoporosis literally means a porous bone, so if you develop this condition you have fragile and unhealthy bone. You also may hear experiences of patients (or by you if you have osteoporosis) describe this bone condition as painful with cracking bones. When an...
Alternative Medicine, Blog, Diet & Exercise, Gastrointestinal Disorders, In the News, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
A healthy digestive tract is good for more reasons than you probably realize. Many people don’t know the true benefit of gut health. We are all familiar with debilitating intestinal discomfort as well as unregulated bowel movements, which are problems that can be...
Autoimmune Disorders, Blog, Diet & Exercise, Fibromyalgia, In the News, Top Pain Reliefs
Eating healthy foods during the holidays can be tough, especially with chronic pain. Many of us reach for pain-inducing foods unintentionally like animal proteins, fried foods, breads, sweets, and canned vegetables. To help, we’ve pulled together a complete meal that...
Arthritis, Back and Neck, Chronic Back Pain, Diet & Exercise, Fibromyalgia, Top Pain Reliefs
Pain fighting foods can help you in your triumph over chronic pain. Following these guidelines of “The Do’s and Don’ts of Eating with Chronic Pain” can ease the pain of Fibromyalgia, back pain, arthritis, and IBS. I’ve spoken on my show...