Caregiving, Celebrity Stories, Radio Shows
Diane Rehm is the well-known host of The Diane Rehm Show on National Public Radio. She and her husband, John were married for 54 years. He died in 2014 from Parkinson’s disease, but his death was prolonged despite his strong wish for help to die comfortably, and on...
Blog, Caregiving, In the News
Pain Specialists will treat you in a comprehensive way. This may include medications, injections, implantations, exercise, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, and psychological counseling. It is important to remember that if a Pain Specialist recommends...
Blog, Caregiving, In the News
Nearly 100 million Americans live with chronic pain, which interferes with their ability to work, sleep, and enjoy life. For those living with chronic pain, it is essential to find a Pain Specialist physician who can diagnose the condition and work with you on a...
Caregiving, Chronic Back Pain, Nerve Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows
ChronicBabe is an online support group for younger women who want to move beyond their pain to live full lives. It’s a supportive community that listens, teaches acceptance, and offers coping strategies. On today’s show, we’ll discover how ChronicBabe has given its...
Caregiving, Chronic Back Pain, Nerve Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows
ChronicBabe is an online support group for younger women who want to move beyond their pain to live full lives. It’s a supportive community that listens, teaches acceptance, and offers coping strategies. On today’s show, we’ll find out how the founder, Jenni Prokopy...
Alternative Medicine, Blog, Caregiving, Chronic Back Pain, In the News
In one of my more popular radio show episodes, “American’s Biggest Health Problem” I discuss the chronic pain crisis with award-winning health journalist and author Judy Foreman. Her book, A...