Neck Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Imagine how you would feel if you experienced pain while chewing, swallowing, speaking or even yawing? Or, consider living with such limited jaw movement that you couldn’t insert a spoon or fork into your mouth. Many suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder...
Joint Pain, Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Arthritis causes joint inflammation and pain. Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common disabling diseases in developed countries. Over the age of 60, about 10% of men and 18% of women have symptoms. Despite appropriate treatment, many people continue to...
Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Are you afraid of developing pain as you get older? Older adults are the fastest growing segment of the world’s population, and pain is the most common reason they seek medical care. Fortunately, chronic pain is not an inevitable part of aging. Today’s show features ...
Pain Procedures, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Electrical stimulation for the treatment of pain has been around for thousands of years. Learn about neurostimulation, a technique that uses electric impulses to relieve chronic pain. You’ll hear a riveting story from Adam Hammond, a former member of the US Army...
In the News, Pelvic Pain, Radio Shows, Top Pain Reliefs
Everyday things like sitting or exercising can be virtually impossible if you are suffering from pudendal neuralgia, commonly called cyclist’s syndrome, which affects the pelvic floor. Patients feel stabbing, stinging, or burning sensations around the anal, scrotal,...