Throughout February, Aches and Gains has celebrated American Heart Month. The chronic pain associated with heart disease, commonly resulting from obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, can be devastating for those living with these cardiovascular conditions and...
Here at Aches and Gains, we have previously discussed heart disease and recognizing the pain symptoms associated with a heart attack, heart failure, or stoke. We’ve examined the implications of the increased risk of heart disease among Baby Boomers. But, men and women...
Have you ever wondered whether stress triggers that nagging backache or headache? Our guest, Dr. Kathleen Hall, is an international stress expert that has worked with several Fortune 500 companies on stress and work life balance. She’s also the founder of The Stress...
Heart disease is the top killer for women and men in the United States, especially for those in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Heart disease is becoming an epidemic that must be addressed not just by medications and frequent screenings, but by lifestyle changes. Among the...
Neck pain is very common in the U.S. and industrialized countries. Women, older adults, and those in rear-end car accidents are at risk. The good news is that 80-90% of the time most people recover in 12 weeks. Unfortunately, more of us are developing neck pain from...