Blog, In the News, Opioid Addiction, Recent Posts, Television, Top Pain Reliefs
Dr. Christo joins Stateside to discuss the difficult balance between trying to help people who have legitimate pain needs and people who may have an addiction issue. Watch now...
Blog, In the News, Opioid Addiction, Television, Top Pain Reliefs
Lawsuit Targets Billionaire Family Behind Oxycontin
Alternative Medicine, Blog, Radio
The aim of the program is to improve the ability of healthcare professionals (including PCPs, PAs, NPs, and pharmacists) to counsel patients on the appropriate selection and use of OTC analgesics, establish an accurate evaluation of OTC benefit/risk profiles, and...
Alternative Medicine, Blog, Diet & Exercise, Gastrointestinal Disorders, In the News, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
A healthy digestive tract is good for more reasons than you probably realize. Many people don’t know the true benefit of gut health. We are all familiar with debilitating intestinal discomfort as well as unregulated bowel movements, which are problems that can be...
Blog, Emotional Pain, In the News, Opioid Addiction, Pelvic Pain, Recent Posts, Top Pain Reliefs
For as long as I can remember, I was plagued with chronic urinary tract and kidney infections. Growing up in a small town, my mom and I would venture into the local family practitioner’s office almost weekly. The doctor would write me a prescription for an antibiotic...