

Biofeedback sounds mysterious and technical, but it’s been in use since the mid-to-late 1960’s. Today, we’ll examine Biofeedback with the help of two of our guests. Retired anesthesiologist Dr. Blossom Sanger shares how this therapy has given her much better...

The Sleep/Pain Connection

The Sleep/Pain Connection

Almost 70% of those suffering from pain complain of sleep problems and the relationship is reciprocal: pain often disrupts sleep, and poor sleep can worsen pain. Dr. William Kohler, Medical Director of the Florida Sleep Institute, may have just the right...

Pooches, Pets and Pain Relief

Pooches, Pets and Pain Relief

Most of us have felt the soothing sensations of stroking the fur of our pets, especially dogs and cats.  But, is there any actual evidence of this connection between our four-legged friends and us?  Actually, published studies show that animal assisted therapy...

The Pain of Colon Cancer

The Pain of Colon Cancer

Cancer pain can result from many sources. In colon cancer, the tumor can compress the colon or even spread to other parts of the body like the liver or bone. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy may all contribute to discomfort, even after the cancer is...

Is Pain a Curse from God?

Is Pain a Curse from God?

When pain overwhelms us, we feel compelled to ask, “Why did this happen to me?”  “Did I do something wrong?”  “Is this experience a curse from God?”  Religion is an important aspect of life for many people and often not discussed in the health care setting. Yet,...