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Healing Touch
Modern medical science is just beginning to understand energy healing. We’re gaining more insight into how to tap biological energy fields, called biofields to support health and soothe pain. Healing Touch accesses these energy fields to restore flow and balance to...
Elvis Presley and Agonizing Pain
Interviews with friends and physicians of the late "King of Rock and Roll" give us a deeper look at Elvis' health, personal life and legacy. The episodes dedicated to exploring the life and death of one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century, Elvis...
Pain, a Mind-Body Problem
The August 2015 issue of Real Simple magazine (August 2015 issue) included an article on chronic pain featuring Dr. Paul Christo. The article, “Pain" by Amy Paturel addressed how to understand (and manage) your body's most important warning system- and what to do...
Text Neck Pain, Part II
Since the term, “Text Neck” was coined in 2008, we’ve been seeing more patients with neck pain and headaches. “Text Neck” or now “Tech Neck” is felt to be a repetitive strain injury from constantly looking down to type or read text messages, answer emails or...
Fibromyalgia: The Invisible Illness with Very Real Pain
Can you tell if someone has fibromyalgia by looking at them? Numerous genes have been identified in the last five years that may be responsible for the neurotransmitter imbalance found in individuals with Fibromyalgia. When someone tells us they have a chronic...
Text Neck Pain, Part I
Since the term, “Text Neck” was coined in 2008, we’ve been seeing more patients with neck pain and headaches. “Text Neck” or now “Tech Neck” is felt to be a repetitive strain injury from constantly looking down to type or read text messages, answer emails or...
Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Causes
Women make up 80-90 percent of fibromyalgia sufferers. Fibromyalgia is a condition categorized by widespread pain throughout the body. People with this condition often experience a variety of other symptoms, including fatigue, sleep disturbance, and even memory...
Chair, 2015 Pain Care for Primary Care Conference
Dr. Paul Christo is chairing the 2015 Pain Care for Primary Care Conference for physicians who recognize the importance and challenges associated with treating patients in pain. With Dr. Paul Christo as meeting chair, PCPC helps doctors enhance clinical care and...
Food for Thought: Diet Plays Significant Role in Pain Relief
Integrating foods into your diet that don’t stimulate the inflammatory chemicals in your body can fight inflammation, significantly reducing pain. Weight and nutrition may be a popular topic in the summer months, but most people could benefit from keeping these...
What Every Man Should Know about His Health, Part II
Did you know that the average man only lives to age 76? Most guys aren’t healthy at that age either, and wish they had taken better care of themselves. Men often hold back from complaining about pain as well, and many would rather suffer in silence. We’re joined...
Beyond the Cosmetic: Botox for Pain Management
Botox can be a safe, noninvasive alternative to surgery for certain health conditions. Emmy and Tony-award winning actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth admitted to Prevention Magazine back in 2011 that she gets Botox (botulinum toxin) regularly, but not for the...
What Every Man Should Know about His Health, Part I
Did you know that the average man only lives to age 76? Most guys aren't healthy at that age either, and wish they had taken better care of themselves. Men often hold back from complaining about pain as well, and many would rather suffer in silence. We're joined...