Healing Touch

Healing Touch

Modern medical science is just beginning to understand energy healing. We’re gaining more insight into how to tap biological energy fields, called biofields to support health and soothe pain. Healing Touch accesses these energy fields to restore flow and balance to...

Pain, a Mind-Body Problem

Pain, a Mind-Body Problem

The August 2015 issue of Real Simple magazine (August 2015 issue) included an article on chronic pain featuring Dr. Paul Christo. The article, “Pain" by Amy Paturel addressed how to understand (and manage) your body's most important warning system- and what to do...

Text Neck Pain, Part II

Text Neck Pain, Part II

Since the term, “Text Neck” was coined in 2008, we’ve been seeing more patients with neck pain and headaches. “Text Neck” or now “Tech Neck” is felt to be a repetitive strain injury from constantly looking down to type or read text messages, answer emails or...

Text Neck Pain, Part I

Text Neck Pain, Part I

Since the term, “Text Neck” was coined in 2008, we’ve been seeing more patients with neck pain and headaches. “Text Neck” or now “Tech Neck” is felt to be a repetitive strain injury from constantly looking down to type or read text messages, answer emails or...