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Pain is the Number One Health Problem
In one of my more popular radio show episodes, “American’s Biggest Health Problem” https://paulchristomd.com/pain-americas-biggest-health-problem-part-i/. I discuss the chronic pain crisis with award-winning health journalist and author Judy Foreman. Her book, A...
My Favorite Episodes: Providing a Voice for Living in Pain
I created my radio show, Aches and Gains, to provide a voice for the more than 100 million people in need of relief from living in pain. Celebrities, public figures, health practitioners and pain experts share their stories of struggle and success on the show...
War on Opioids, Part II
The war on opioids began around 2010 when the Centers for Disease Control announced there were over 16,000 opioid-related deaths. That’s a big number – but not all of those deaths involved opioids alone. Our first guest, Angelika, suffers from a painful joint hypermobility condition called “Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.” Despite having a traumatic biking accident, she refused to go to the emergency room, fearing that she’d be labelled an addict, that her opioids would be taken away, and her pain would be left out of control. Author and journalist, Maia Szalavitz, then joins us. She’s written about the war on drugs and how it’s hurting patients who need them the most.
Pain in Children: About the ‘It Doesn’t Have to Hurt’ Campaign
Children are especially vulnerable to chronic pain. Pain has become a pressing humanitarian cause and touches all of us at some point during our lives. Recent estimates are that 100 million people suffer from uncontrolled pain in our country alone, but the pain...
War on Opioids, Part I
The war on opioids began around 2010 when the Centers for Disease Control announced there were over 16,000 opioid-related deaths. That’s a big number – but not all of those deaths involved opioids alone. Our first guest, Angelika, suffers from a painful joint hypermobility condition called “Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.” Despite having a traumatic biking accident, she refused to go to the emergency room, fearing that she’d be labelled an addict, that her opioids would be taken away, and her pain would be left out of control. Author and journalist, Maia Szalavitz, then joins us. She’s written about the war on drugs and how it’s hurting patients who need them the most.
The Power of Advocacy in Coping with Chronic Pain
"When I was young and sick and alone, I had to create my own tribe." By Jenni Prokopy, Founder – ChronicBabe.com It’s been almost 20 years since I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. At first, I heard a lot of this: “You’re too young to be sick!” and this: “What a...
Spotlight on Pain: Understanding The Physical & Emotional Impact
One-third of the U.S. adult population suffers from chronic pain. Since establishing September as Pain Awareness Month in 2001, the American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA) has continued to keep pain and pain management issues in the public eye through Partners for...
How Hormones Alter the Path of Pain in Men and Women
The way men's and women's bodies trigger and respond to pain is just one more difference between the two genders. You can tell if someone is at greater risk than others for developing chronic pain later in life from the very moment they are born. How can this be? A...
ComfortSafe: Innovations in Anesthesia
If you have pain and need surgery, you’ll want to hear about this new anesthetic technique called “ComfortSafe.” It’s used for patients who don’t want to or can’t tolerate typical anesthesia with opioids. Using ComfortSafe can also help avoid the side effects of...
Research Proves Americans Are in Pain
More Americans are turning to complementary health approaches like yoga and meditation to help manage pain than ever before. One of the most challenging parts of suffering from persistent pain due to physical or mental health conditions, post-surgical pain and...
The Effects of Chronic Pain on Sleep, Focus and Intimacy
Dr. Paul Christo featured in Prevention article on chronic pain. The article, "9 Things Only Someone With Chronic Pain Understands," by Kristen Domonell addresses the various ways in which persistent pain impacts the lives of the nearly 100 million Americans who...
Preparing for a Pain-Related Doctor’s Appointment
Know what questions to expect from your pain specialist. “Rate your pain on a scale from 1 to 10.” Does this sound familiar? Sometimes you don’t really know how to answer. It’s not the worst pain you have ever experienced, but it’s definitely inhibiting you from...