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Let’s Get Real: Resolutions You Should Actually Keep
What’s your New Year’s resolution? The same question is asked every single year on the same day. January 1st is fast approaching. Are you ready to start achieving your goals? For the month of January, we will be talking about the New Year and how to create a...
A Year in Radio: Our Favorite Shows
Aches and Gains had an interesting year full of hot topics and interesting stories. Some of my favorite topics to discuss were also your favorites. Many of you were most interested in texting neck pain which is an affliction that affects every single one of us....
Addiction, Opioids, and Recovery, Part II
Drug addiction is a serious threat to our country’s public health because it leads to lost lives and lost productivity. Opioids have been a special concern because there have been an escalating number of deaths related to their misuse. Our special guest is Chris...
A Year in Review
2015 has been an interesting year when it comes to the wide range of topics we have covered. From fibromyalgia to Elvis and celebrities battling Lyme disease. There is nothing that we cannot cover here when it comes to pain and we have learned so much over the last...
Christmas Wish List for Pain
It’s that time of year again! The holiday season is here along with the anxiety many of us feel trying to find the perfect gift. If you have a loved one struggling with pain, this list can help you narrow down the endless products you see promoted during the...
Addiction, Opioids, and Recovery, Part I
Drug addiction is a serious threat to our country’s public health because it leads to lost lives and lost productivity. Opioids have been a special concern because there have been an escalating number of deaths related to their misuse. Our special guest is Chris...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Struggle with Silent Pain
Every day we see traumatic events unfolding around the world. We watch as tragedy strikes those around us, many of us experiencing tragedy firsthand. The 24-hour news cycle covers these events in great detail, analyzing every moment of the disaster so that we may...
Holiday Meals: Top Things to Avoid For Pain Relief
Food is a necessity of life, but what many people don’t realize is how certain foods can trigger inflammation. Many foods have chemicals that release neurotransmitters making your body more sensitive to inflammation and cell damage. Sensitivity due to Fibromyalgia,...
Ways To Stay Active As the Temperature Drops
As the temperature begins to drop, so do many of our activity levels. It is important to remain active through colder months and get creative with your exercise and diet routine. It is easy to become complacent when the weather is not ideal, but with these simple...
Pot for Pain? 80% of Docs Surveyed by PPM Say Yes
Medical marijuana continues to be a hot topic in pain management and of great interest to readers of Practical Pain Management. In September, PPM featured medical marijuana (MM) on our cover and the main article is currently ranked as the #1 most read article on...
What to Expect from a Pain Specialist
Pain Specialists will treat you in a comprehensive way. This may include medications, injections, implantations, exercise, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, and psychological counseling. It is important to remember that if a Pain Specialist recommends...