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Pain-Coping Arthritis Blogs You Should Follow
It’s a pain that might creep up slowly with a dull, mild discomfort in your joints. Or it might rage suddenly without warning, bringing on a stabbing intensity as sharp as a knife. The pain might come and go, or it may last hours. This pain is arthritis, and it’s...
Where to Find Relief From Fibromyalgia Chronic Pain
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 50 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a disorder that causes muscle pain and fatigue leading to chronic pain and tenderness throughout the body. In many...
4 Treatments for Chronic Pain from Sarcoidosis
The late comedian Bernie Mac made his mark making millions laugh over more than two decades in stand-up, on TV and in films such as Friday, Bad Santa, Ocean’s 11 and its sequel. We know him as one of the “The Original Kings of Comedy.” You may not know that he...
Dr. Christo Comments on the Impact of the Opioid Crisis
Dr. Christo spoke with the Outer Banks Sentinel to provide insight on the way the opioid crisis has impacted pharma, physicians and ultimately chronic pain patients. Read more of the in-depth piece...
Yoga for Well-Being and Comfort
Aches and Gains radio guest Dima, a vice president in financial services, suffered a serious motorcycle accident and Jiu jitzu injury, which left him with a herniated disc and severe pain. Always athletic, active and outgoing, Dima’s chronic pain forced him to step...
10 Ways to Cope with Pain-Inducing Stress
Last week we talked about how stress can make your chronic pain worse. Stress can trigger or exacerbate muscular pain, abdominal pain, and pelvic pain. These are just some of the reasons why many people opt for the calming effects of using the bluebird hemp classic...
How Managing Stress Can Reduce Chronic Pain
Stress is something many of us are familiar with. Between work, relationships, family, uncertainty in world affairs and ever-present political discord, stress never seems to subside. Unfortunately, stress can be extremely damaging to your health — especially if you...
The Wonders of Neurostimulation
For many people who live with chronic pain and do not respond to conventional treatments, there are innovative options for finding relief. If you are suffering from migraines, diabetes, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, or hard-to-treat depression, you may have an...
Treating Your HIV-Related Pain
In the U.S. throughout the year we set aside observance days to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS among specific populations and to promote HIV prevention, testing, and treatment. March observes National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and National Native...
Pain-Coping Blogs Every Woman Should Know
More than 100 million Americans suffer from pain, according to the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies. Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. According a 2009 U.S. Health and Human Services Report, women are more...
Cancer Survival Lessons from Comic Legend, Tommy Chong
In honor of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, I interviewed Tommy Chong on my radio show, Aches and Gains. Tommy shared his battle with rectal cancer and the triumphs he has achieved in overcoming his pain. As you may already know, Tommy was a part of the...
Why Chronic Pain Can Be Paralyzing for Women
Throughout the month of March, Aches and Gains will be celebrating Women’s History Month. As a time to reflect on the many challenges women have faced over the past few centuries, we also look at the many ways the gender gap still exists. For the Aches and Gains...