Aches and Gains on SiriusXM
The First National Radio Talk Show on Overcoming PainRadio Show Recordings
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- Alternative Medicine
- Arthritis
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Back and Neck
- Cancer Pain
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- Chronic Back Pain
- Chronic Headaches
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Child Athletes at Risk
Three year old triathletes? Elite sports and early specialization for seven year olds? Are we harming our kids with our obsession with youth sports, and putting them at risk for a lifetime of pain? To answer these questions, join Mark Hyman, author of Until it...
Pudendal Neuralgia (Cyclist’s Syndrome), Part I
Everyday things like sitting or exercising can be virtually impossible if you are suffering from pudendal neuralgia, commonly called cyclist’s syndrome, which affects the pelvic floor. Patients feel stabbing, stinging, or burning sensations around the anal,...
Pain Pacemakers for the Spinal Cord
Electrical stimulation for the treatment of pain has been around for thousands of years. Learn about neurostimulation, a technique that uses electric impulses to relieve chronic pain. You’ll hear a riveting story from Adam Hammond, a former member of the US Army...
Pain in Older Adults
Are you afraid of developing pain as you get older? Older adults are the fastest growing segment of the world’s population, and pain is the most common reason they seek medical care. Fortunately, chronic pain is not an inevitable part of aging. Today’s show...
Arthritis causes joint inflammation and pain. Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common disabling diseases in developed countries. Over the age of 60, about 10% of men and 18% of women have symptoms. Despite appropriate treatment, many people continue to...
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)
Imagine how you would feel if you experienced pain while chewing, swallowing, speaking or even yawing? Or, consider living with such limited jaw movement that you couldn’t insert a spoon or fork into your mouth. Many suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder...
Trigeminal Neuralgia
There are several facial pain syndromes, but Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) may be the worst. Sudden, stabbing, electrical sensations radiating from the ear down the face are typical leading some to call this syndrome the “suicide disease” because the pain can be so...
Herbal Remedies for Pain
Have you thought about using Feverfew, Cat’s Claw, or Ginger to ease your pain? The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 4 billion people or 80% of the world population use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care. Dr. Chad Wilde, a pain...
Medical Marijuana, Pain, and Controversy
Marijuana is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. It’s one of the oldest documented medicines in history, and there are many therapeutic uses: it manages pain, including the pain of childbirth, relieves spasticity (from multiple sclerosis or spinal cord...
Cancer Pain
It’s estimated that over 12 million Americans have cancer. Sadly, severe and chronic pain occurs in over 30% of patients undergoing therapy and in almost 70% of patients with advanced disease. Nancy Amato, who is actively battling pancreatic cancer, shares an...
Will We Die in Pain? Part I
“Life Before Death” is a moving, award winning documentary film that features the worldwide battle by physicians and nurses to stop the epidemic of pain that threatens to condemn one in every ten of us to die a painful death. Through the eyes of patients and their...
Will We Die in Pain? Part II
In part two of our show, Mike Hill (director, writer, and producer) shares some powerful, behind the scenes moments that he experienced while filming the compelling documentary, “Life Before Death”. Dr. Kathleen Foley then gives us the hope we need to ease our...
Upcoming Shows

The Aches and Gains Radio Show: Airing Saturday @ 5:00 & 5:30PM EST on SiriusXM Channel 131
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Listen Weekly on SiriusXM to the First National Radio Talk Show Dedicated to a Fuller Life for Those Living With Pain.
Aches and Gains® is hosted by leading pain medicine specialist, physician, and researcher Dr. Paul Christo. Aches and Gains® provides hope and treatment options for those suffering from medical illnesses, diseases, and the pain that often results from these conditions. The show features informative interviews from everybody people, physicians, healthcare providers, authors, researchers, and celebrities.
Aches and Gains® offers cutting-edge treatments, integrative practices, and coping strategies for overcoming a variety of health conditions and pain syndromes such as low back pain, osteoarthritis, cancer, addiction, headaches, and neuropathic pain.
Every Saturday, 5-6:00 p.m. EST on Channel 131, Dr. Christo sits down with his guests for 30-minute candid discussions that spotlight numerous medical diseases and syndromes. Media personalities such as Naomi Judd, Joe Montana, Montel Williams, and Jennifer Grey bring their own stories of success and inspiration.
Join SiriusXM’s more than 69 million listeners while tuning in to Aches and Gains®. You will to learn how the right combination of treatments and perseverance can help you realize a fuller life.