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Secrets for Coping with Pain, Part I
No one knows what life has in store for us. When we have pain that doesn’t go away, how do we cope with the new life that now confronts us? Our guest, Toni Bernhard became ill with an acute viral infection and has never recovered. We will delve into Toni’s...
Secrets for Coping with Pain Part II
No one knows what life has in store for us. When we have pain that doesn’t go away, how do we cope with the new life that now confronts us? Our guest Toni Bernhard became ill with an acute viral infection and has never recovered. We will examine the benefits of...
Pain: America’s Biggest Health Problem Part I
Did you know that pain has reached epidemic proportions? In fact, 100 million people are living with chronic pain in America alone. Our guest is Judy Foreman, author of A Nation In Pain. She’s an award-winning health journalist who overcame her own battle with...
Pain: America’s Biggest Health Problem, Part II
Did you know that pain has reached epidemic proportions? In fact, 100 million people are living with chronic pain in America alone. Our guest is Judy Foreman, author of A Nation In Pain. She’s an award-winning health journalist who overcame her own battle with...
Soothing Scents of Aromatherapy, Part II
Our first guest, Fran Munroe suffered from 50 years of migraine headaches that would leave her bedridden for 2-3 days. Aromatherapy has allowed her to escape a migraine more than 95% of the time. Dr. Kamyar Hedayat, expert in medical aromatherapy, joins us again...
Pudendal Neuralgia (Cyclist’s Syndrome), Part II
Everyday things like sitting or exercising can be virtually impossible if you are suffering from pudendal neuralgia, commonly called cyclist’s syndrome, which affects the pelvic floor. Patients feel stabbing, stinging, or burning sensations around the anal,...
Energy Healing from Afar, Part II
Is the art of healing bound by physical limitations? Can healing take place over long distances – by telephone for example. Does some universal force or energy source provide human beings with avenues to connect with each other for the purpose of healing...
The Burning Alive Syndrome
Erythromelalgia (or EM) is rare and can be a devastating condition. It typically affects the feet or hands, or both and causes visible redness, as well as sensations of intense heat and burning pain. Some have described this condition as having their “nerves on...
The Miracle of Nerve Restoration, Part I
When we get a paper cut in the skin, or experience a sunburn, we’re injuring the peripheral nerves of the body. Medical conditions like diabetes, HIV, cancer, or traumatic injury can damage these peripheral nerves and lead to bad burning pain, numbness, or...
Jin Shin Jyutsu: A Simple Japanese Touch Therapy, Part II
Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is a little known Japanese healing art that can relieve pain, restore emotional equilibrium, and harmonize the vital energy of the whole person. Cathy Calvert will share an extraordinary story of a debilitating horse accident and how JSJ left...
The Pain of Racism Part I
In America, racial discrimination was the force behind slavery and segregation among the states. Research tells us that still today we may respond more dramatically to seeing white people in pain than we do black people. We’re joined today by Faith Ringgold, an...
Gout: The King of Pain?
The pain from gout can be crushing. It’s the most common inflammatory joint disease and affects over 5 million people in the United States alone. It’s also been referred to as “the king of diseases and the disease of kings” because rich foods and alcohol, symbols...