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How to Alleviate Neck Pain
Neck pain is a common condition that nearly 75% of people experience at some point in their lifetime. Women, older adults, and those involved in whiplash injuries from car accidents are at increased risk. Neck injuries can often be treated through the use of hot...
Ovarian Cancer Month: What You Don’t Know Can Kill You
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Like every awareness month, we should always be wary of a disease like cancer, not just for a month but for the entire year. Ovarian cancer has been deemed “the silent killer” because symptoms do not arise until the...
September is Pain Awareness Month: A Letter from Dr. Christo
In my career as a pain specialist, I am consistently impressed by the strength and courage of my patients in their battle with pain. Over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, a number greater than those who are affected by cancer, heart disease, and...
Interventional Pain Procedures for Cancer Pain
Interventional pain management procedures are a specialized form of pain treatment, and can be quite helpful. These treatments can be provided instead of medications, or integrative therapies, or along with those treatments. Sometimes, interventions can facilitate...
Botox – It’s not just for Migraine, Part II
Did you know that botulinum toxin (known by many as Botox®) can reduce pain? It’s not just for cosmetic procedures, and can treat a variety of other medical conditions like migraine, spasticity, and many others. Kathleen Sullivan shares how Botox virtually...
The Benefits of Yoga for Pain
Yoga is one of the top 10 most popular alternative medicine therapies for health. It is 4,000 years old and has been used as a method for physical and spiritual healing for physical and mental well-being. Along with massage and Pilates, consumers rate yoga...
Botox – It’s not just for Migraine, Part I
Did you know that botulinum toxin (known by many as Botox®) can reduce pain? It’s not just for cosmetic procedures, and can treat a variety of other medical conditions like migraine, spasticity, and many others. Kathleen Sullivan shares how Botox virtually...
How Stress Affects Pain
What is stress? Stress occurs when we perceive an event as negative or fearful, causing the body to produce certain hormones and activate its defense system. The nervous system acts as if the body is prepared to fight, and uses the motor system to escape. The...
Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse
Most of us think we know the tell-tale signs of drug abuse. Some of us thankfully only witness the debilitating effects of drug abuse by viewing its portrayal on a television show or movie. We may think that drug abuse mainly affects the homeless, lost, or...
Can Chronic Pain Be Prevented?
. asacol online generic medication Can chronic pain be prevented? Is there a way to silence pain early, before it becomes a lifelong affliction? The question has taken a back seat to efforts to treat pain, but research is starting to point the way. Dr. Paul Christo...
Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and one of the most disabling diseases in developed countries. Many patients have restricted movements, and some can’t even perform basic activities of daily living. July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month. It...
Mental Illness and Pain
Millions of people suffer from pain and depression. According to some estimates, mood disorders are two to three times more prevalent in those with chronic pain. Jessica Gimeno has overcome bipolar disorder, painful polycystic ovarian syndrome, psoriasis, and a...