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The Epidemic of Chronic Pain in America
Dr. Paul Christo, leading pain expert from The John Hopkins Hospital and host of the radio show Aches and Gains, appears on The Balancing Act to talk about the epidemic of chronic pain in America, and where pain sufferers can go for relief. Watch the full clip...
Best Christmas Gifts for Your Health
Only a few more days until Santa is on his merry way! What are you asking for this year? I feel like there are two types of people during the holiday season. Those who may be more extravagant with their wishes - asking for things they would never . for themselves -...
Dr. Christo & America’s First Radio Show on Overcoming Pain
Dr. Paul Christo is a board-certified, Harvard trained anesthesiologist and Johns Hopkins–trained pain medicine specialist. He’s an associate professor and researcher at Hopkins in the division of pain medicine and department of anesthesiology and critical care...
Keeping Up With the Joneses: What White Collar Addiction Looks Like
We all have a picture in our head of what addiction looks like. We’ve heard about encounters with drug addicts. One addict is not like the other; that is, they may abuse different substances, but all share the disease of addiction. Some people may even picture drug...
Gunnar Peterson – Functional Fitness for Pain, Part II
Pain often leads to restricted movements, changes in posture, and ultimately a more sedentary life. Exercise offers much more pain relief than you might imagine, especially a program that emphasizes functional training. Gunnar Peterson, trainer for professional...
Migraine Questionnaire
Have you been wondering whether your severe headaches are actually migraines? Complete this questionnaire and take it with you to your next doctor's visit. Download...
Preventative Measures for Winter Colds
The holidays are fast approaching and what could be worse than getting sick during the most wonderful time of the year? Some of us find ourselves resilient to cold weather viruses, but a lot of us aren’t so lucky. This week is National Flu Vaccination Week. It’s...
Gunnar Peterson – Functional Fitness for Pain, Part I
Pain often leads to restricted movements, changes in posture, and ultimately a more sedentary life. Exercise offers much more pain relief than you might imagine, especially a program that emphasizes functional training. Gunnar Peterson, trainer for professional...
Crohn’s and Chronic Pain: What You Need to Know
Today marks the beginning of Crohn’s & Colitis Awareness Week. For those of us who suffer from forms of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), we know that while IBD patients may look healthy, they are suffering on the inside. Crohn’s disease is incurable and attacks...
The Family Tree: What You Don’t Know Can Kill You
The U.S. Surgeon General has declared Thanksgiving National Family Health History Day. Let’s make sure that you and your family members maintain good health. Be aware of your family history, and if you don’t know then ask. Many people are at risk of certain...
Pain at the End: Are Opioids a Risk or a Relief?
At the end of life, we want to make sure that we are comfortable. People across the globe fear dying in pain. It’s a real fear because the World Health Organization estimates that 1/10 people alive today risks dying a painful death. This is true for developing...
The Silent Pain of Alzheimer’s: How You Can Help Your Loved One
People at the end stages of Alzheimer’s disease are commonly afflicted with pain and suffering. Communicating this pain is a struggle for many of these patients, caretakers, and loved ones. Not only does the patient have to deal with the physical and mental...