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Dr. Christo Discusses New Pain Approach – Neuromodulation
In the January/February 2017 Issue of Men's Health, Dr. Christo discusses neuromodulation, a treatment that can help better manage chronic pain. Read more about the...
Heart Pain: Sounding the Alarm
American Heart Month is coming to an end, but there is another important topic I would like to cover with you. Heart disease, as we all know is the leading killer of women and men in the United States. Studies show that the risk of heart attack is greater among...
Dr. Christo Provides Exercises to Relieve Neck Pain
As part of Men's Health March 2017 Issue, Dr. Christo provides some tips for alleviating the neck pain that comes with staring at our screens all day. Read his tips HERE....
These Exercises Will Help Improve Your Heart Health
Throughout February, Aches and Gains has celebrated American Heart Month. The chronic pain associated with heart disease, commonly resulting from obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, can be devastating for those living with these cardiovascular conditions and...
Why Are African-Americans At Greater Risk of Heart Disease?
February is American Heart Month. It is also Black History Month. Now is the time to reflect on the contributions of African Americans to the American experience, and to learn a little bit more about yourself and those around you. The juxtaposition of these two observances is an occasion to examine heart health and pain among African Americans.
Stress and More Stress, Part I
Have you ever wondered whether stress triggers that nagging backache or headache? Our guest, Dr. Kathleen Hall, is an international stress expert that has worked with several Fortune 500 companies on stress and work life balance. She’s also the founder of The...
What Baby Boomers Need to Know to Prevent Heart Disease
Heart disease is the top killer for women and men in the United States, especially for those in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Heart disease is becoming an epidemic that must be addressed not just by medications and frequent screenings, but by lifestyle changes. Among the...
Top 3 Exercises for Managing Neck Pain
Neck pain is very common in the U.S. and industrialized countries. Women, older adults, and those in rear-end car accidents are at risk. The good news is that 80-90% of the time most people recover in 12 weeks. Unfortunately, more of us are developing neck pain...
Common Deadly Drug Cocktails
Where were you when you found out Kurt Cobain died? News of drug abuse and overdose has been increasing in the media as of late. Many of us may know, either personally or professionally, someone suffering from drug or alcohol addiction who has died. However, not...
How To Tell If Your Thyroid Is Causing Your Pain
Have you ever wondered whether hypothyroidism is leading to pain throughout your joints and other parts of your body? Your thoughts may be valid. Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This deficiency can lead...
The Chronic Pain Detox
It is five days into the New Year! I hope you are all feeling confident that you can overcome your battle with chronic pain. If you do not yet have a list of resolutions, or you know you want to do something but don’t know where to start, here are a few tips. These...
In It to Win It: Resolutions to Keep for 2017
Can you believe that 2016 is almost over? It seems like the years keep getting shorter as we grow older. I like the New Year because it feels like a blank slate. We can improve upon our goals from the previous year and create new ones. Think about what happened...