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Celebrities Battling Lyme Disease Go Public to Raise Awareness
Avril Lavigne was bedridden for months after contracting Lyme disease sometime in 2014. Singer and songwriter Avril Lavigne graced the cover of People Magazine in April after more than five months out of the spotlight due to her battle with Lyme disease. Lavigne,...
Interrupting Pain to the Brain: Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Part II
We’re going to delve into how we can suppress pain by stimulating a nerve the lies in the neck called, the vagus nerve. The therapy is called vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and it’s a newly explored therapy for pain that requires surgical implantation. There are...
Interrupting Pain to the Brain: Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Part I
We’re going to delve into how we can suppress pain by stimulating a nerve the lies in the neck called, the vagus nerve. The therapy is called vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and it’s a newly explored therapy for pain that requires surgical implantation. There are...
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
We’ll delve into the causes and symptoms of this puzzling and life-altering pain disorder. Ballerina Cynthia Toussaint, shares her unbelievable story about how a minor thigh injury resulted in a complete life transformation. Dr. Robert Schwartzman, CRPS specialist...
Regenerative Biomedicine for Pain: Platelet Rich Plasma
Regenerative therapies for pain are new and rapidly evolving. This innovative field includes platelet rich plasma (PRP) that was introduced in the 1970s. PRP is made from our own blood. Physicians inject concentrated platelets, growth factors, and proteins into a...
Pacing the Brain for Pain: Motor Cortex Stimulation, Part II
When all hope is lost and you’re at your breaking point due to pain, electrical stimulation of the brain may be a way out. This is known as motor cortex stimulation (MCS). Although not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for pain control, MCS is...
Pacing the Brain for Pain: Motor Cortex Stimulation, Part I
When all hope is lost and you’re at your breaking point due to pain, electrical stimulation of the brain may be a way out. This is known as motor cortex stimulation (MCS). Although not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for pain control, MCS is...
Pain on the Battlefield
Pain is the #1 complaint of soldiers fighting for our country. Derek McGinnis, a young military veteran and recipient of the Purple Heart will trace the events that led to his leg amputation, and how a simple nerve block became a lifesaver. Dr. Trip Buckenmaier...
Accidents, Technology, and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Neck trauma, whiplash injury, and even common things like keyboard typing and computer use can all trigger symptoms that may affect up to 8% of the population. We’ll hear how Rachel overcame disabling hand numbness, weakness, and neck pain that jeopardized her job...
Soothing Scents of Aromatherapy Part I
Do you like the scent of spices in your kitchen or flowers in your garden? More of us are turning to aromatherapy as an option for alleviating pain, managing stress, and enhancing relaxation. If you are interested in using aromatherapy yourself, you might want to...
Posture Guru and Pain Relief Part II
If you have musculoskeletal pain and about 30% of adults do, this show is for you. We continue our discussion with Esther Gokhale, known as the Posture Guru of Silicon Valley. She discusses the sustainability of her method, details about her workshops, and which...