Aches and Gains on SiriusXM
The First National Radio Talk Show on Overcoming PainRadio Show Recordings
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Pacing the Brain for Pain: Motor Cortex Stimulation, Part I
When all hope is lost and you’re at your breaking point due to pain, electrical stimulation of the brain may be a way out. This is known as motor cortex stimulation (MCS). Although not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for pain control, MCS is...
Pacing the Brain for Pain: Motor Cortex Stimulation, Part II
When all hope is lost and you’re at your breaking point due to pain, electrical stimulation of the brain may be a way out. This is known as motor cortex stimulation (MCS). Although not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for pain control, MCS is...
Regenerative Biomedicine for Pain: Platelet Rich Plasma
Regenerative therapies for pain are new and rapidly evolving. This innovative field includes platelet rich plasma (PRP) that was introduced in the 1970s. PRP is made from our own blood. Physicians inject concentrated platelets, growth factors, and proteins into a...
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
We’ll delve into the causes and symptoms of this puzzling and life-altering pain disorder. Ballerina Cynthia Toussaint, shares her unbelievable story about how a minor thigh injury resulted in a complete life transformation. Dr. Robert Schwartzman, CRPS specialist...
Interrupting Pain to the Brain: Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Part I
We’re going to delve into how we can suppress pain by stimulating a nerve the lies in the neck called, the vagus nerve. The therapy is called vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and it’s a newly explored therapy for pain that requires surgical implantation. There are...
Interrupting Pain to the Brain: Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Part II
We’re going to delve into how we can suppress pain by stimulating a nerve the lies in the neck called, the vagus nerve. The therapy is called vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and it’s a newly explored therapy for pain that requires surgical implantation. There are...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and its Surprising Solutions, Part I
How often have you said to yourself, “This pain will never go away, or life as I knew it, is over”? These thoughts are common for those living with pain. What you may be surprised to know is that these persistent negative beliefs and images can both maintain and...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and its Surprising Solutions, Part II
How often have you said to yourself, “This pain will never go away, or life as I knew it, is over”? These thoughts are common for those living with pain. What you may be surprised to know is that these persistent negative beliefs and images can both maintain and...
Stem Cell Rejuvenation for Pain, Part I
Stem cells have the ability of self-renewal. They can be used to replace cells that have been lost or destroyed, or to change the behavior of other cells. Using stem cells can offer solutions for treating painful conditions such as bone and cartilage defects,...
Stem Cell Rejuvenation for Pain, Part II
Stem cells have the ability for self-renewal. They can be used to replace cells that have been lost or destroyed, or to change the behavior of other cells. Using stem cells can offer solutions for treating painful conditions such as bone and cartilage defects,...
What Every Man Should Know about His Health, Part I
Did you know that the average man only lives to age 76? Most guys aren't healthy at that age either, and wish they had taken better care of themselves. Men often hold back from complaining about pain as well, and many would rather suffer in silence. We're joined...
Upcoming Shows

The Aches and Gains Radio Show: Airing Saturday @ 5:00 & 5:30PM EST on SiriusXM Channel 131
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Listen Weekly on SiriusXM to the First National Radio Talk Show Dedicated to a Fuller Life for Those Living With Pain.
Aches and Gains® is hosted by leading pain medicine specialist, physician, and researcher Dr. Paul Christo. Aches and Gains® provides hope and treatment options for those suffering from medical illnesses, diseases, and the pain that often results from these conditions. The show features informative interviews from everybody people, physicians, healthcare providers, authors, researchers, and celebrities.
Aches and Gains® offers cutting-edge treatments, integrative practices, and coping strategies for overcoming a variety of health conditions and pain syndromes such as low back pain, osteoarthritis, cancer, addiction, headaches, and neuropathic pain.
Every Saturday, 5-6:00 p.m. EST on Channel 131, Dr. Christo sits down with his guests for 30-minute candid discussions that spotlight numerous medical diseases and syndromes. Media personalities such as Naomi Judd, Joe Montana, Montel Williams, and Jennifer Grey bring their own stories of success and inspiration.
Join SiriusXM’s more than 69 million listeners while tuning in to Aches and Gains®. You will to learn how the right combination of treatments and perseverance can help you realize a fuller life.