invisible illness
Invisible Illness

Invisible Illness

Published in Family First, Mishpacha Jewish Family Weekly Dr. Paul Christo sat down with Family First to discuss illnesses that can baffle doctors, and how most are left with chronic pain. When you go to the doctor you are typically asked to rate your pain. He...

virtual reality
Futuristic Pain Relief

Futuristic Pain Relief

The excruciating pain of having a burn wound cleaned can make you wish that you could be anywhere else—as far away as possible. An arctic snowscape, perhaps. With immersive virtual reality (VR), that option is transcending the hypothetical. Immersed in a VR world...

YOU The Owner’s Manual

YOU The Owner’s Manual

Dr. Christo was a guest on YOU The Owner's Manual Radio Show with Dr. Michael Roizen, MD Tune in to hear his recommended solutions to common issues such as migraines, knee pain and pelvic pain... it's not just physical therapy! Find out how cutting-edge treatments...